30 Years of EarthShare New Jersey

30 Years of EarthShare New Jersey 

Our founder Marie Curtis was made aware of a new type of organization whose sole purpose was to raise unrestricted funds for local environmental non-profit organizations. After reaching out to over 50 groups in the state, 16 responded and together, they decided to start the Environmental Fund for NJ in July 1994. These groups included the states leading environmental organizations, many of which are still partners today. This also gave donors peace of mind in knowing that each of the organizations represented is fully vetted to make sure they are fulfilling their mission, fiscally responsible, and a good partner for our environment. 

Over time, it was discovered that there was another group that only supported national environmental non-profit organizations, EarthShare.  In 2000, the organizations entered into an affiliation agreement and EarthShare New Jersey began supporting over 60 environmental organizations in workplace giving programs across New Jersey and neighboring states. Being a part of the EarthShare Network also brought with it a brain trust of knowledge from across the country.  Other states that are part of the network are doing great things, and as an independent 501(c)3 working with a staff of 1, this is a tremendous resource!  

The past 30 years have brought many challenges.  With the ups and downs of the financial markets, evolution of technology in workplaces, an international pandemic and the reprioritization of our environment in the lives of many people and business, EarthShare New Jersey has been responsive and innovative. Until 2012, our first 18 years were exclusively based on supporting workplace giving.  Yes we introduced EarthShare Celebrates NJ in 2007, but in terms of programs and services, we were one dimensional until 2012. This is when things changed.  Over the next 12 years, we introduced programs that include volunteerism, education and philanthropy for our non-profit partners. 


Our first Custom Volunteer program was in 2012 and the Green Day Challenge was introduced in 2016. Since then, we are proud to have hosted more than 1650 volunteers at 86 volunteer projects across the state.  Working with our non-profit partners and other friends around New Jersey has helped to introduce many to the great spaces our state holds and the challenges they have.  We know that this effort has made a huge difference in the beaches cleaned, invasives removed, bulbs planted, trails maintained, fencing installed, gardens prepped/weeded, and waterways managed.  


We believe that the best way to improve our environment is to teach people what’s here, what the problems are, and how they can make a difference. Starting with in person education programs at workplaces across NJ in 2010, our corporate volunteers prompted us to begin Earth Care Day in 2019, a free public environmental education program with exhibitors, guided walks, demonstrations and so much more!  Over the past 5 years, we have connected with over 1,700 people.  The 5th anniversary edition on October 13th will be our biggest yet!  

The pandemic brought us, and everyone else, a real challenge.  How can we continue to do our work when we can’t meet with people in person? That’s when we came up with the programs that are part of our flagship offering today Lunch Time Bites where participation doubles year after year.  With this live web based program, we can bring environmental education anywhere.  Programs introduce people to places, strategies, creatures and critters too! Our corporate friends frequently plan a series of programs for their team members throughout the year. 


We have raised over $6.5 million for our environment since 1994. Some of the most difficult funds for a nonprofit to raise are unrestricted. This is where we provide a great value for our non-profit partners and friends.  We introduced our Corporate Partnership program which includes a gift that directly benefits each of our non-profit partners. The ESNJ Concerts incorporate environmental education mixed with the talents of over 100 musicians  seen by thousands of guests over the 9 concerts hosted to date. The proceeds of these concerts goes directly to our non-profit partners. And the virtual 5K for Tomorrow races that we hosted during the pandemic also connected friends with our environmental places, and each registration was shared by our non-profit partners.  

So with a past that has been so fulfilling, what’s next? Well, I think it’s safe to say that we continue to remain committed to the programs our partners and friends love, but we have more.  We are proud to introduce three new programs that focus on empowering students, adults and communities with experiences and knowledge for cleaner, greener and healthier tomorrows.  

Like much of the country, NJ public schools have encountered challenges in funding environmental experiences for students.  Non-profit organizations may be able to secure funding to provide hands on environmental learning, but the students still need to get there. That’s why we developed the Wheels for STEM program.  Public school trips to our non-profit partners can receive a stipend to help defray the costs of transporting students. The application process for spring 2025 trips will open in September 2024 and we will fund as many trips as possible.  Initial donors to this program include Veolia, TIAA, PSEG, Geoscape Solar, MJH Life Sciences, and dozens of individuals.  Just one experience can change the way a child looks at nature forever.  Consider a gift now and annually to support this program. 

Donate to Wheels for STEM

Our world has tuned into the challenges of our communities and populations.  We believe that the environment is for everyone and all are entitled to healthier, safer and greener places to live, work and play.  EarthShare New Jersey is committed to educating and empowering these communities and populations so that they can experience a healthier environment.  The Environmental Equity Project was launched in the fall of 2023 to provide education, resources and case studies for people to learn and grow from.  We are proud to share that through a grant from Veolia, we have a dedicated intern working on a new portion of our website devoted to environmental justice and equity.  We hope that by June 2025, this will be fully live and we can begin work on the next phase of our project.  

Many people struggle to find a way they can balance the demands of work and life with their passions and further develop themselves for more professional opportunities. The EarthShare NJ Junior Board has been introduced to help people manage this, engage them with a non-profit, and develop skills and leadership experiences that can transfer to the workplace.  Applications are currently being accepted with the first meeting taking place in September.  

Each of you reading this have had a role in our past 30 years.  Thank you.  None of what we have accomplished would be possible without the dedication of our Board and commitment of our non-profit partners.  Thank you.  But as you can see, there is still more to be done and we invite you to be a part of that as well.  Become a volunteer or join the Junior Board, bring your company to the table, join us at a concert, come out to Earth Care Day, or contact us to develop something special for you.   

The past 30 years have been a blast!  Thank you for all of your support. We can’ t wait to see what the future holds!