The Wetlands Institute: EarthShare NJ Member Spotlight
EarthShare New Jersey is dedicated to supporting the missions of our 20+ member organizations. It's an honor to raise workplace giving funds and rally company employees behind our members' valuable volunteer projects from beach and park cleanups to osprey banding... Continue reading
Posted on February 23, 2014
Cooper Pest Solutions: Workplace Giving Partner Spotlight
EarthShare New Jersey has had the pleasure of working with Cooper Pest Solutions, a progressive pest control company located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. As a corporate partner in our workplace giving campaign, Cooper's employees make payroll contributions to their favorite... Continue reading
Posted on February 10, 2014
A Special Thanks to Our Supporters!
Thank you to all of the workplace giving donors who support EarthShare New Jersey and our many members in their annual charitable giving campaign. Your contributions do so much to help make New Jersey and our world a healthier and... Continue reading
Posted on October 30, 2013
EarthShare NJ Launches a New Website!
In an ongoing effort to keep our members and volunteers informed of all the recent happenings and upcoming events, we've made a number of changes to our website! Over the course of the next few weeks, you'll begin to see... Continue reading
Posted on October 10, 2013