EarthShare NJ ROCKS


Our MC for the Evening is Tom Kaminski!

Tickets are on sale NOW! 

Get Your Tickets Here!


Consider being a sponsor of ROCKS!  There are opportunities for individuals, and businesses of all sizes.  
Learn More HERE!


Have an auction donation?
Consider making a contribution.
Click Here!
The program is a fabulous guide through the concert and includes great resources for guests. Consider highlighting your business or organization! 
Ad Journal Form

Proceeds of this concert go to work across the state supporting
the programs and services of
EarthShare New Jersey’s non-profit partners:

* American Littoral Society * Center for Aquatic Sciences *  Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ 
* El Comite De Apoyo A Los Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA)
* Flat Rock Brook Nature Center * Friends for the Abbott Marshlands * Friends of Liberty State Park
* Friends of the New Jersey School of Conservation * Greater Newark Conservancy
* Hackensack Riverkeeper * ISLES, Inc.* Lake Hopatcong Foundation 
* Monmouth Conservation Foundation * Musconetcong Watershed Association
New Jersey Audubon Society * New Jersey Conservation Foundation
* Pinelands Preservation Alliance* Save Barnegat Bay * Sourland Conservancy 
* SPLASH Delaware River Floating Classroom *Surfrider Foundation (NJ Chapters)
* Sustainable Jersey *
Teaneck Creek Conservancy * Tenafly Nature Center 
The Wetlands Institute * Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge

Check out 2023’s Concert at Martell’s in Point Pleasant!