There are different solutions to any challenge. Finding the most effective one for your community depends on the challenge and people addressing it. Here you will find resources as well as case studies from people and communities to use and learn from.
We want to hear your ideas and celebrate the successes in your community as well.
Inspiring and impactful work is being done across New Jersey for Environmental Equity. Community members, organizations and businesses have decided to take action to create a healthier and more equitable New Jersey for all. The articles below give insight into the behind the scenes of making positive change happen.
Explore instances where people saw an opportunity to make their community more environmentally equitable and took action to make a positive change.
A neglected and unsafe park in Long Branch was transformed into a thriving community oasis through collaboration, grassroots organizing, and dedication.
Hudson County community members rallied together during the pandemic to plant 31 trees and mitigate urban heat island effect and flooding.
Learn more about organizations, businesses, and people who have done work that supports environmental equity in New Jersey.
An organization dedicated to supporting agricultural worker’s rights with a focus on the Latino immigrant population of South Jersey addresses food justice for all.
Pinelands Preservation Alliance and the disability community have come together to make nature more accessible.
Community members in Newark have come together to fight against industrial pollutants that are impacting quality of life for residents.
If you notice people, schools, businesses, or your local government supporting environmental equity and want to thank them for their efforts. Use these letter templates to let them know how much you appreciate the work the are doing and how it has positively impacted your community.
Coming Soon
We want to hear how you have made a difference in your community! Submit a description of how you have supported environmental equity and made a positive impact. Please keep your submission to 200 words or less and share the town you are from so we can include your story on the page.
One of the most effective ways to address Environmental Injustice is taking the time to get involved in coming up with solutions and being an advocate for yourself and community. Below is more information on how you can get involved, such as; participating in your local government, reaching out to officials, grass roots organizing, and donating your time.
Acknowledging the work being done across New Jersey to promote Environmental Equity and and being part of the solution in your community are equally important. To learn more about what Environmental Equity means and the tools and resources available in New Jersey, explore the ‘Education’ and ‘Resources’ pages.